Message details

08. June 2016

A complete success - University at Stadtwerke Zittau

Stadtwerke Zittau organized an interesting family day for young and old with "A day for you" on 28 May.

Stadtwerke Zittau (SWZ) organized an interesting family day for young and old with "A day for you" on 28 May on the company premises on Friedensstraße in Zittau. All of this took place in a new guise with lots of surprises, interesting facts and insights into the areas of electricity, gas, water and district heating. The Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences was also there.

The Zittau Power Plant Laboratory (ZKWL) and the Energy Technology Cabinet (ETK) opened their doors. In the ZKWL, three test facilities of the Institute for Process Engineering, Process Automation and Measurement Technology (IPM) could be explored on an area of 350 m2. The facilities are used for experimental investigations in the field of energy technology and mechatronics and are an expression of the long teaching and research tradition of the Zittau/Görlitz Energy University. The THERESA test facility was used to demonstrate the requirements for a stable power supply in the age of fluctuating photovoltaic and wind power feed-ins and how existing and future power plants can compensate for these fluctuations. The function of a turbine rotor with magnetic bearings was clearly explained on the magnetic and catch bearing test rig (MFLP). The magnetic bearing of rotating machines is a way of eliminating friction losses and thus increasing the efficiency of turbomachinery. Investigations into the use of heat and cold storage in connection with combined heat and power plants and heating and cooling systems were presented at the thermochemical test facility.

The Faculties of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering were also represented in the ZKWL hall and presented their teaching and research activities.

At the ETK, visitors took the opportunity to view the former Zittau Teaching and Research Reactor (ZLFR). On the upper floor, visitors were able to see how a reactor start is simulated. On the same level, small experiments in regenerative energy technology were offered, in which a hydrogen-powered fuel cell set a small vehicle in motion. In the basement, a cloud chamber was shown, which enables the visualization of alpha and beta radiation. The Faculty of Economics and Industrial Engineering was also on site, presenting two simulations dealing with the regional energy markets and the optimization of CHP plants.

The ZKWL and ETK were very popular with visitors throughout the afternoon. A large number of very interesting discussions were held with the students and university staff present. Explanations were given, instructions were given, discussions were held and the many questions were patiently answered. Last but not least, an elderly couple took an interest in the reactor simulator. They had visited the ZLFR back in the 1980s as a brigade. Both of them were already sitting at the control panel of the former training and research reactor, operating the buttons for the "reactor start" simulation as if it were yesterday.

All in all, it was a successful day under the roof of the SWZ, characterized by an interested and relaxed atmosphere, which encourages a repeat performance.

The Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences would like to thank all students and staff for preparing and organizing the Open Day. We would also like to thank Stadtwerke Zittau for allowing the university to present its teaching and research programs.

Photo: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Kratzsch
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Alexander Kratzsch
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 1.55
1st floor
+49 3583 612-3000
Institute of Process Engineering, Process Automation and Metrology
Measurement technology / process automation
02763 Zittau
Th.-Körner-Allee 8
Building Z IVc, Room C1.15
Upper floor
+49 3583 612-4282
Photo: Dr.-Ing. Clemens Schneider
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Clemens Schneider
Institute of Process Engineering, Process Automation and Metrology
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 8
Building Z IVc, Room C1.03
Upper floor
+49 3583 612-4789