Saxon universities of applied sciences celebrate their 30th anniversary with a ceremony in Zittau.
"The HAW transcend the boundaries between theory and practice, research and application, science and business!" Bettina Stark-Watzinger, Federal Minister of Education and Research
Federal Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger made an impressive plea for the important role of universities of applied sciences (UAS) in the German education system in her digital message to around 200 guests at the Gerhart-Hauptmann Theater in Zittau. People from all over Saxony, as well as from the neighboring countries of Poland and the Czech Republic, gathered there on 10 June 2022 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Saxon Universities of Applied Sciences.
In her welcoming address, the Federal Minister emphasized that the HAW are highly attractive for school graduates due to their application-oriented teaching. The HAWs are promising partners for the federal government's "German Agency for Transfer and Innovation (DATI)" project, which is important in terms of education policy. In this context, she particularly emphasized the strong link between research at the UAS and the question of practical application. In this way, HAWs build stable bridges between social demand, business and science. Stark-Watzinger described the role of the HAW as powerhouses of the regions and sees in them: "A great treasure that promises development."
In his subsequent speech, Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer took up the metaphor of the "powerhouses of the region", looked back on the exciting years around 1992, when Saxony's universities of applied sciences were founded, and concluded:
"I am proud that you have succeeded in building strong institutions over the past three decades. In the coming years (...) we will continue to ensure that the science sector, which is so enormously important for the future of our country, is treated as a priority."
His appeal: "See universities as a common organism! Stay together!" was made all the more powerful by the message from the Saxon state capital. "You should know that you have strong supporters in the Saxon state government and in the coalition parties (...). You can continue to build on this support. Let's stay together and continue to write this successful story."
In the subsequent discussion round on the topic of "Welcome to the three-country region" , the Mayor of Zittau Thomas Zenker, the Rector of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences Prof. Alexander Kratzsch, the Director of the Gerhart Hauptmann Theater (GHT) Görlitz-Zittau Ingo Putz and the Director of the student ensemble at the GHT Görlitz-Zittau discussed the topic. Alexander Kratzsch, the director of the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater (GHT) Görlitz-Zittau Ingo Putz and the director of the student ensemble at the GHT Görlitz-Zittau Eike Zastrow discussed the importance of the university and the theater for the region as well as the special location in the border triangle.
Here, too, it became clear how important it is for all stakeholders to work together successfully. Prof. Kratzsch summed up the discussion at the end:
"For the transformation of the region due to structural change, all structures must reinvent themselves. To do this, we need culture, an examination of our past and technologies. "DATI" will be a tool that we need for this - firmly anchored regionally with education for success and progress. We have to stick together to achieve this!"
Visibly proud, theater director Ingo Putz led the way to the cultural contribution of the international dance company of the GHT Görlitz-Zittau. They performed a scene from the dance piece "Phoenix". Like a phoenix from the ashes, culture has risen again at the renowned Gerhart-Hauptmann Theater after the pandemic years. This Friday, the audience was able to experience just how impressively this has been achieved. The musical contributions by Cti Hang from the Czech Republic and Seven Wheels from Poland also provided atmospheric relaxation between the spoken words and much applause.
In a second round of talks on the topic of "30 years of HAW Sachsen: looking back to the future", the Rector and the Rectors of HAW Sachsen had their say. Prof. Ludwig Hilmer, Rector of Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, was enthusiastic about how science policy looks at HAW and, as the longest-serving Rector, is still fascinated by the HAW model. The Rector of HTW Dresden, Prof. Katrin Salchert, noted that the importance of research and transfer as well as interaction with society as a whole has increased. New solutions need to be found for these new tasks. Prof. Mark Mietzner, Rector of HTWK Leipzig, emphasized that new creative spaces must be opened up so that the HAW can continue to demonstrate its innovative strength. For him, this also includes the topic of doctoral opportunities. Prof. Stephan Kassel, Rector of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, formulated wishes for politicians at the end of the discussion:
Uta Lemke, spokesperson for the Conference of Saxon Student Bodies (KSS) , also expressed her wishes to politicians and university management. In her speech "Vision: The HAW of the future" , she took a critical look at the special role of HAW Saxony, particularly with regard to its differentiation from large universities. The KSS spokesperson called for guaranteed funding as well as permanent positions for permanent tasks, more didactic training for lecturers and a greater focus on teaching. She appealed to university management to concentrate on their own needs and to point out shortcomings.
In his role as spokesperson for HAW Sachsen , Prof. Mietzner took the opportunity to bid farewell to the guests together with Prof. Kratzsch at the end of the ceremony. In his conclusion, Prof. Mietzner looked to the future with motivation, using energy technology as a metaphor:
"I am certain that we can continue to work together on the framework conditions in the coming weeks, months and years so that we can achieve a very high level of efficiency and become even more effective - for the Free State of Saxony and Germany as a country of education."
Prof. Kratzsch concluded by referring once again to the unifying elements of Saxony's HAW: "... that we have a shared passion - imparting knowledge to young people and advancing the state of the art in science and technology, transfer, simply the joy of creating new things." With this in mind, the Saxon HAW will work together even more closely in the future.
Our students Carolin Renner and Cornelius Baier hosted the ceremony with their usual charm and wit. Afterwards, the guests took the opportunity to get to know the city of Zittau and the HSZG in Zittau on various guided tours. Packed with new impressions, they then headed to the campus for the after-work & study party. There, the guests were able to get in touch with colleagues and students individually and exchange ideas. An excellent end to this anniversary day with a very relaxed atmosphere, beautiful weather, great DJ music, delicious food and cool drinks.
We would like to say "thank you" to all guests and participants for this wonderful day!