Message details

15. May 2024

The metamodern age - new ways to depolarize and pacify society

Newly published - Edited by Maik Hosang and others

The metamodern age

Warlike confrontations, intensifying social conflicts, progressive environmental destruction: does it also seem to you that our long prosperous Western world is currently lurching from one crisis to the next with no viable solutions in sight? What if this were just a superficial appearance? What if, despite all the threats, more and more people succeeded in discovering attractive, future-oriented areas of opportunity? What if we could free ourselves from previous patterns of thinking, feeling and acting that do not take us forward together? The key lies in learning, in understanding supposedly irreconcilable positions and opinions. If we understand this on a meta-level as a solution to the problems to be overcome, we are very close to a new era: metamodernity. This volume - the first of its kind in the German-speaking world - looks at how this can be defined more precisely. Experts from a wide range of disciplines explain the theoretical foundations and show how we can shape our everyday lives and work.

Your contact person

Photo: Dr. phil. habil. Maik Hosang
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Maik Hosang
Maik Hosang
Faculty of Management and Cultural Studies
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 3
Building G IV, Room 2.13
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4246