Message details

02. August 2020

The winners of the "Young Academics Award for Bioenergy 2020"

Seven young scientists aged between their early 20s and late 30s presented their work on the utilization of biomass at the all-day conference.

The central theme of the event was the use of bioenergy in climate-friendly energy supply and reducing the consumption of fossil resources. Seven young scientists aged between their early 20s and late 30s presented their work on the utilization of biomass, e.g. in thermo-chemical gasification processes or the use of residues in agriculture, at the all-day conference.

Picture by Andy Gradel
Andy Gradel, research assistant in energy technology at the Institute for Water and Energy Management at Hof University of Applied Sciences and winner of the Young Academics Award 2020

Andy Gradel impressed the participants and jury with his contribution on the topic:
"Flexible and low-maintenance gasification of biomass through integrated adsorption of tar components".

The depth of investigation achieved and the presentation of the test results, including the modeling presented, were particularly noteworthy. The jury made it clear that his work makes an effective contribution to the further improvement of thermo-chemical processes, especially on a smaller scale.

And what did the winner say after the online conference?
"I was really impressed by the break activities between the presentations. It was very funny: there was a white window and everyone could draw in what they were having for lunch from their screen. And then we were also supposed to do sports, with office chair yoga!" He laughs when he says this. You don't know anything like that.



Picture by Natascha Eggers
Natascha Eggers, young scientist from the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

For Natascha Eggers, the journey from Hamburg would have been a long one. "I would have come anyway," says the young scientist from the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and runner-up at the Young Academic Conference. She impressed the participants and jury with her

presentation on the topic:
"Efficiency evaluation of biomass-based PtX systems "

The innovative approach to evaluating the various PtX systems was presented very well and comprehensibly in terms of its depth and presentation. As with the winner, the presentation style was also very successful. She also praised the online conference. "I found the moderation and the breaks so refreshing. And I am pleased that my work was recognized in a larger (online) circle."


Picture by Roland Bischof
Roland Bischof, research assistant at the Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas in Jena

The 3rd place went to Roland Bischof. He says: " I was pleasantly surprised: I wasn't aware of all the things that are now possible online to create a real conference feeling. I liked the fact that so many different voices had their say and that I was able to exchange ideas more intensively with participants in private chats."

He impressed with his contribution "Agricultural utilization of natural biomass ashes" by demonstrating that ashes should not be regarded as waste, but that ways should be sought for further utilization. Like his fellow competitors for the title of this year's award, he was also praised for his extremely well-founded work and presentation of results.

Looking to the future or: What have we learned from this?

The summary of the participants afterwards was predominantly positive. The moderation was rated as very competent and entertaining, the event as very well organized and the presentations as optimally selected and well-founded in terms of content.
The average of 45 to 50 participants from all over Germany praised the high quality of the presentations, the pleasant atmosphere and the group feeling that was created by the organizers. They also appreciated the online format as such, as there was no need for long journeys.
The desire for a repeat next year was expressed immediately after the conference - regardless of Corona, again in the resource-saving format of the online conference.
#save_the_date: The Young Academics Conference 2021 will therefore take place on the usual date on June 17, 2021.



Photo: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Mareike Schneider
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Mareike Schneider
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
02763 Zittau
Schwenninger Weg 1
Building Z VII, Room 118
+49 3583 612 4822