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13. February 2020

Specialists at work

The working group of the CLEANTECH Initiative Ostdeutschland focused on the energy storage systems of the future.

On February 4, a joint working group of the CLEANTECH Initiative Ostdeutschland (CIO) and the Institute for Process Engineering, Process Automation and Measurement Technology (IPM) of the HSZG took place in House Z II of the HSZG.

The CIO connects business, science and research as well as professional associations and institutions in the cleantech sector across industries and national borders in an active network. The aim is to enable further economic growth for the players in the new federal states and to increase their export strength. 

Around 25 participants from research and practice came together from many parts of Germany to discuss the energy storage systems of the future and to find out about current research in this field. Among other things, the focus was on the extent to which waste heat can be stored and used in a time-decoupled manner, which types of energy storage are currently technically feasible and how economical these processes are.

After Tony Schütze from the CIO welcomed the participants, the following speakers presented their expertise:

  • Torsten Klette (HSZG): Integration of thermal energy storage using the example of the THERESA large-scale test facility
  • Dr. Michael Nimtz (Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf): Liquid metal batteries for successful sector coupling
  • Enrico Titze (HSZG): Phase change storage materials in research
  • Dr. Constanze Adolf (Lumenium GmbH Berlin): Steel as a possible energy storage system of the future
  • Sebastian Braun (HSZG): Development of a hybrid measuring method for wet steam

In the practical part of the event, the IPM scientists guided the participants through the test facilities of the Zittau Power Plant Laboratory(ZKWL) and showed the interested audience storage concepts that had actually been implemented. In particular, the research results in the field of phase change storage and materials as well as the concept of the thermal battery of the THERESA test facility met with great interest.

The further development of the energy storage systems of the future is an important step towards conserving resources and improving the climate and environment.

We would like to thank all speakers and participants of the event.