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10. January 2022

"Citizens meet science" meets diversity!

With three events in the fall, the BtW series was able to score points with the general public.

After the two "Citizens meet science" events on "3D printing" and "Robots" in the first half of 2021, we were able to organize three more events together with the Volkshochschule Dreiländereck in autumn.

Julia Gabler presented her findings from the "F wie Kraft" project, Daniel Winkler presented the AR glasses from the EurOpA project and one event was all about the CELSIUZ rooms in the Mandauhöfe.

In summary, we can say that the series of events has now established itself and regularly attracts members of the public to the university to take a look behind the scenes, try things out and talk to researchers.

The first event on "Opportunities for qualified women to stay in the district of Görlitz" led to an intensive discussion. Here, different opinions on the situation of committed women in our region came together. However, it also became clear that such events and discussions are important, as the positions converged over the course of the discussion.

The following event was all about the "CELSIUZ" - why is the CELSIUZ in the Mandauhöfe, what is supposed to happen here, what is so special about the space? The historical collection of products and pictures from the building's pre-reunification days proved to be a highlight for our visitors.

Daniel Winkler brought the year 2021 to a close with two AR glasses. He showed how they can assist with the assembly of components. Afterwards, everyone who wanted to was allowed to try out the glasses. It was fascinating how quickly you get used to waving them around in the air.

In conclusion, it can be said that The events were a lot of fun and brought the university and citizens a little closer together.

The transfer of research to the region and dialog with civil society are among the main objectives of Saxony5 and the Volkshochschule Dreiländereck. This task requires "getting into conversation" and "staying in conversation".

There will be another opportunity to do this in the spring at
"Citizens meet science - the garden edition".

So take a look at the HSZG and VHS event calendars and recommend the event(s) to your friends, relatives or neighbors.

The events are explicitly aimed at citizens from non-academic backgrounds, who should be encouraged to actively interact with our researchers.

The Saxony5 team sends warm greetings and best wishes for the new year.

Photo: M.A. Kristin Sprechert
Ihre Ansprechperson
Kristin Sprechert
Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer
Project Saxony⁵
02763 Zittau
Outer Oybiner Str. 16
Building Z XII, Room 5
2nd floor
+49 3583 612-4792