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16. April 2018

Azerbaijan as a guest at the HSZG

Students from the Caspian Sea were impressed by the good study conditions at the two university locations.

From March 18 to 23, a group of Azerbaijani students visited the HSZG. The 15 young men and women, who are currently studying at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University in the capital Baku, were offered a varied program both on the Zittau campus and in Görlitz.

In Zittau, the program started on Monday after breakfast in the canteen in the Energy Technology Cabinet (ETK) on Friedensstraße. Dr. Clemens Schneider, Project Manager at the Institute for Process Engineering, Process Automation and Measurement Technology (IPM), first gave a presentation about the university, the IPM and its research activities as part of the Zittau Power Plant Laboratory (ZKWL). The students were then able to visit the ETK and the ZKWL and were informed about teaching and research topics in energy technology. During the tour of the ZKWL's large-scale testing facilities, the students were impressed by the extensive research infrastructure.


Einführungsvortrag im Seminarraum des Energietechnischen Kabinetts (ETK)


Führung durch das ETK, den ehemaligen Zittauer Lehr- und Forschungsreaktor und das Zittauer Kraftwerkslabor (ZKWL)

After lunch, the visit continued with a lecture at the Fraunhofer IWU. The students were given interesting insights into the possibilities of 3D printing and were able to see some of the workpieces for themselves. This was followed by a guided tour of the institute.

Besuch des Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU / Kunststoffzentrum Oberlausitz 


On the following day, it was Görlitz's turn. Prof. Schmidt from the Faculty of Social Sciences, who had previously traveled to Baku and taught in Azerbaijan for a semester, was the guide for the day. The Azerbaijanis were given a tour of the Görlitz campus and also of the city. They got to know some of the places where well-known films have already been shot. This was followed by a visit to start-up companies in the Jakobspassage and a creative workshop. In the evening, the group of visitors took the train back to Zittau.

Besuch des Görlitzer Campus


Görlitzer Flüsterbogen


On Wednesday, a hike to the Hochwald and through the Zittau Mountains was planned, but unfortunately had to be canceled. The students therefore spent a free day in Zittau and were able to explore the town in fine weather. In the afternoon, there was a coffee hour in the DeziBar, which was open to everyone.

On March 23, the students finally left us to take the train to Berlin, where they spent their last three days in Germany before returning home to Azerbaijan.

Special thanks go to the staff of the International Office of the Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, who took care of the organization of the arrival and departure as well as the accommodation of the guests, and to Mr. Marco Hartmann for putting together the supporting program in Zittau.



Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Schmidt

Chair of Organizational Psychology

Phone: 03581 374 4315
