Message details

08. December 2017

25 years Faculty of Social Sciences

On December 6, the celebratory event for "25 years of the Department of Social Work/Faculty of Social Sciences" took place.

On December 6, the "25 years of the Faculty of Social Work/Faculty of Social Sciences" celebration took place.

In 25 years, the faculty has grown and, starting with the Social Work degree course, has expanded to include five further degree courses, three of which are Bachelor's and two Master's courses . The range of courses now includes the Bachelor's degree courses in Social Work, Childhood Education, Curative Education/Inclusion Studies, Communication Psychology, the Master's degree course in Management of Social Change and the Master's continuing education course in Social Gerontology.

With its holistic training model, the faculty is well positioned for the future. The high level of practical relevance forms the basis for teaching and research.

The celebratory program included greetings and a speech in the lecture hall of the Hermann-Heitkamp-Haus, a musical reception in the auditorium and a gastronomic finale in the old town of Görlitz.

Greetings were delivered by Prof. Dr. phil. Friedrich Albrecht, Rector of the University, Dr. Petra Zimmermann, Head of the Youth, Schools and Sport, Social Affairs Department of the City of Görlitz and Prof. Dr. oec. habil. Gisela Thiele, Dean of the Faculty from 2009-2015. The event was moderated by the Dean, Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoff.

The keynote speech was given by Prof. Dr. phil. Joachim Schulze. In it, he vividly addressed the roots of the Faculty and the necessity of social science teaching and research. In his lecture, he brought back memories of the founding period in the "Hagspihl" villa at Goethestraße 5 and the times of the "Bauhütte" during the construction of the current faculty building.

The reception in the auditorium was festively framed on the piano by the young musician Latschesar Neykov. A faculty quiz and older film recordings from teaching and university marketing provided excitement, fun and a few smiles.

The celebration ended with a cozy get-together in a historic restaurant in Görlitz's old town.


Text: Steffen Zücker

Ihr Ansprechpartner
Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Steffen Zücker
Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering
02763 Zittau
Schliebenstr. 21
Building Z II, Room 016.4
First floor
+49 3583 612-4391