Message details

15. January 2018

10,000 euros for the best ideas!

The university competition in Science Year 2018 is all about the working worlds of the future!

What is the best way to publicize your own research? If you have a good answer to this question and are also researching the working worlds of the future, you've come to the right place: the University Competition in the Science Year 2018 - Working Worlds of the Future! We are looking for innovative communication concepts that show in a clear and understandable way what science can contribute to experiencing, learning and shaping the working world of tomorrow.

The best ideas will win 10,000 euros for implementation.

Whether a research or study project on equal opportunities in the workplace, a  exhibition on artificial intelligence or a barcamp dealing with the digitalization of work: We are looking for ideas with an interactive character that bring the results of research into the working environments of the future to the public. In short: formats that invite dialog on the topic of the Year of Science 2018.


Students, doctoral candidates and early career researchers from all disciplines can take part!

Theclosing date for entries is February 11, 2018 . You can find more information here.

Application under:  


The university competition in the Science Year 2018 - Working Worlds of the Future

is a project of Wissenschaft im Dialog in cooperation with the Federal Association of University Communication and the German Rectors' Conference. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.


Project management university competition

Martin Gora

Phone: 030 20 62 295 - 61

E-mail: hochschulwettbewerb(at)