Bernd Hölsken will be working at the Saxon Film Academy in Görlitz from September 2021. In this interview, he talks about the big goals he wants to pursue at the academy.
Bernd Hölsken wants to drive the Film Academy project forward with a passion for film. The Berlin native began his career by studying design, photography and art in Braunschweig. During his further studies in Hamburg in the camera department, he was taught by actors from the international film industry, including the well-known cameraman Michael Ballhaus.
Bernd Hölsken has already worked on a wide range of film productions. He has also dedicated himself to teaching film, photography and design for over 10 years - primarily in Berlin and Hamburg to date. Now he wants to bring his expertise to the Saxon Film Academy.
Mr. Hölsken, from September 2021, you will be responsible for the overall content and didactic concept at the Saxon Film Academy and for planning and implementing the first continuing education course. What appeals to you about this challenge?
This task appeals to anyone looking for a new job, because the Film Academy is just starting out. Of course, this can mean a certain amount of risk, but the project is visibly being driven forward with vigor and offers an open horizon. Although the Film Academy is starting out with a small team, it is receiving a lot of support from all sides.
What visions and goals are you pursuing at the Saxon Film Academy?
The academy is intended to train people interested in film in specific film industries who can also be used locally by the film industry for projects and support the teams professionally. It is aimed at anyone with an interest in the industry and a passion for film. Initially, production assistants are trained. If this model proves successful, training in other areas such as equipment, camera, lighting and audio is conceivable. This could develop a dynamic that also allows for small projects - "Made in Filmakademie Görlitz", so to speak. Ideally, the Film Academy and the quality of its graduates will become known beyond Saxony's borders and the Academy will develop a good reputation among film productions, from which the city of Görlitz and the region can also benefit.
The film academy is to be established in Görlitz. Can the academy be linked to local productions?
Görlitz is a highly interesting and beautiful city that I was not very familiar with until recently. I wasn't aware of how many film productions take place here. These productions can be linked very well with the Film Academy, as the film teams are always on the lookout for local personnel for their shoots who have both local knowledge and the technical skills to work on the production. The production teams want people from the region to work on the film shoots, as they have locational advantages. Economic reasons also play a role, as there are no accommodation costs for these personnel. Those who go through the Film Academy should, of course, first and foremost be equipped with the necessary skills to work on a film shoot. It is important to know the filming processes.
Many films have already been shot in Görlitz. Which ones have particularly impressed you?
"Grand Budapest Hotel" is the showpiece for me. I always thought they were all built sets, but the department store was well used and presented there. Quentin Tarantino also shot scenes here, Wolfland is always produced here. So many films have been shot in Görlitz in the last 50 years - the list is impressive. The Film Academy can play a part in public relations work.
The interview was conducted by Hanna Maiwald.
Further information on the Saxon Film Academy