Systemic solution-oriented short-term therapy, family therapy and counseling

Registration deadline:


Course start date:

March 04-06, 2019

Part-time advanced course for graduates of the "Systemic Consultant" program

Last update: 06.06.2019

An early bird price is granted for binding registration by 31.12.2018 (see below).

The dates of this "Saxon course" are spread over Görlitz, Chemnitz and possibly Dresden.

  • Target group for further training

    This in-service training has been a common practice for years to expand the qualifications of educators, social pedagogues, doctors, psychologists and other groups of people who work in the field of psychosocial care.

  • Aims of the training
    • The ability to work therapeutically with individuals, families and other social systems in different areas using the principles and tools of systemic solution-oriented therapy
    • To impart practical knowledge for goal-, resource- and solution-oriented work
    • In addition to the application of systemic therapy and counseling methods, the focus is on the development of personal skills and abilities. This includes both the professional and personal aspects of professional action.
  • Admission requirements
    • To apply, you must have completed a previous systemic counselor training course with SG, DGSF or DGsP certification or a comparable systemic training course at another systemic institute (minimum of 300 or 350 units under supervision). Please be sure to enclose a certificate of completion with your application (digital PDF or image file), stating the content you have completed and the respective units in theory/methodology, supervision and self-awareness, as well as your achievements.
    • University or university of applied sciences degree in the field of human sciences (exceptions are possible in justified cases, e.g. with a qualified professional qualification in the psychosocial field and at least 3 years of professional experience)
    • Ability to implement systemic/family therapy approaches
  • Structure of the training

    The training comprises a total of 600 work units, 300 of which are supervised by teaching therapists.

    15 days of theory & Methodology: In the block seminars, the content and methodological approaches are taught in addition to counseling knowledge and therapeutic practice is trained in role plays and exercises. In the seminars, participants have the opportunity for topic-specific supervision  and live supervision:
    1. Systemic basic knowledge: Scientific theoretical and epistemological positions, foundations, current developments, family therapy / systemic schools and interfaces with other relevant therapeutic and counseling directions, history of family therapy / systemic therapy, inclusion of social and institutional contexts.
    2. systemic diagnostics: systemic models for the description and explanation of psychological, psychosomatic and physical symptoms, of conflicts and problems, of communicative patterns, relationship structures, forms of processing and coping as well as for the diagnosis of resources and solution skills.
    3. therapeutic/counselling contract: therapeutic/counselling attitude, clarification of indication and context, establishment, development and termination of a therapeutic/counselling relationship, cooperation with clients, as well as recognition and promotion of the system's own resources, reflection on the role as therapist/counsellor and the work context.
    4Systemic methodology: Teaching and training of systemic interventions and techniques, also in relation to different settings, contexts and fields of work as well as planning, implementation and evaluation.
    7.5Days of supervision (75 units): Guided, ongoing supervision (as group or individual supervision) of the systemic / family therapy counseling practice.
    During the training, two work sessions (live, by video/DVD or audio) must be presented in the supervision (a possible presentation in the preliminary training (counselor training) must also be presented).

    7.5 days of self-awareness (75 units): content includes the transfer of methodically guided therapeutic techniques into the participant's own style of action and the development of basic therapeutic attitudes into the professional identity. The self-awareness  relates to the family of origin as well as the current life and professional situation.

    100 units of intervision (50 units of intervision from the preliminary training (counselor course) will be credited if appropriate proof is provided): Participants meet between the block seminars in continuous regional intervision groups, in which reflection and supervision of the implementation of Systemic Brief Therapy in practice takes place. The work of the intervision groups is documented in writing in the form of minutes.

    50 hours of literature study / personal work: The participants document their personal work / literature study in writing during the training.

    Therapeutic practice/counseling practice (200 units): The continuing education participant carries out 50 units of practice hours (no later than two years after its completion). The family therapies / systemic therapies and counseling sessions carried out during the training course are documented in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations (recording of the central process and interventions for each session). The participant provides evidence of four extensively documented, completed case documentations (of which 2 documentations from the previous counsellor training course can be recognized). 150 units of counselling practice are recognized from the previous counsellor training course.
    Completion:... takes place through a final colloquium.

  • Dates and topics

    The dates and sequence of topics correspond to the current planning status as of 20.09.2018.


    04.-06.03.2019: Start colloquium: Solution-oriented work with children, young people and families

    Dr. Florian Schepper

    Location: Görlitz


    Module 2 will be postponed to 07-08.10.2019

    Systemic work with children of "mentally ill" parents

    M. Friday


    12-14.06.2019: Multifamily therapy (MFT) and multisystemic therapy (MST)

    Rainer Orban

    Location: Dresden


    28-30.08.2019: Family reconstruction (2 days) and supervision (1 day)

    M. / R. Freitag

    Location: Görlitz


    07-08.10.2019 (postponed module 2!):

    Systemic work with children of "mentally ill" parents

    M. Freitag

    Location: GÖRLITZ


    28-30.10.2019: Systemic work with highly contentious parents, conflicts, ambivalences

    Friday / Katrin Maes

    Location: Dresden


    04.-06.12.2019: Family reconstruction (1.5 days) and supervision (1.5 days)

    M. / R. Freitag

    Location: Chemnitz


    16-18.01.2020: Supervision

    Florian Schepper

    Place: Dresden


    06.02.2020: Ambivalence coaching

    M. / R. Freitag

    Place: Chemnitz


    04.-06.05.2020: Systemic self-awareness: Treasure your treasures

    Manfred Vogt



    02-04.07.2020: Family reconstruction (1 day) and supervision (2 days)

    M. / R. Freitag


    14-16.09.2020: Systemic work with couples and conclusion

    Dr. Manfred Vogt and other lecturers

    Place: Görlitz

  • Certification

    Upon completion of the advanced course and the associated achievements, the university and NIK certificate "Systemic Solution-Focused Short-Term Therapy, Family Therapy and Counseling" is awarded.

    If the relevant requirements are met, which can be viewed on the respective websites, there is the possibility of certification by the Systemic Society (SG), and the German Society for Systemic Pedagogy (DGsP e.V.), Participants pay the additional costs incurred directly to the relevant associations when submitting their application. 

  • Course management

    The North German Institute for Short-Term Therapy, NIK e.V. Bremen, in cooperation with the Institute for Systemic Work Chemnitz, ISA Chemnitz, is responsible for the content of the course.

    Manfred Vogt, Dr. phil.Psych.
    Psychological psychotherapist, child and adolescent psychotherapist,
    Systemic family therapist, hypnotherapist, behavioral therapist, VT supervisor, systemic teaching therapist (DGSF/SG), teaching systemic supervisor (DGSF/SG), teaching systemic coach (SG), teaching systemic child and adolescent therapy (DGSF)

    Heinrich Dreesen, Dipl.-Psych.
    Psychological psychotherapist, child and adolescent psychotherapist,
    Systemic family therapist, ritual counselor, behavioral therapist, VT supervisor, systemic teaching therapist (DGSF/SG), teaching systemic supervisor (DGSF/SG), teaching systemic coach (SG), teaching systemic child and adolescent therapy (DGSF)

    Matthias Freitag, Dipl.-Psych.
    Systemic Teaching Therapist (SG), Systemic Supervisor (SG), Specialist Psychologist for Clinical Psychology/Psychotherapy (BDP), Systemic Consultant and Therapist / Family Therapist (SG), Systemic Lecturer (DGsP)

  • Participation fees

    The total participation fee for the training course is EUR 3,800.00 (plus costs for the possible application for a certificate from the umbrella organization). These costs can be paid in installments (standing order).

    An early bird price will be granted for binding registration by 31.12.2018: EUR 3,600.00. Participants who have already registered for the course starting in September/2018 will automatically receive this early bird price.

  • Promotion

    Saxon participants can apply for a subsidy towards the total costs from the Sächsische Aufbaubank. The conditions of the Saxon training voucher can be found at .
    If you would like to apply for funding, please inform us in advance using the expression of interest form (see above for template)! Please contact us before you apply for funding so that we can reserve a place for you!

  • Venues

    The venues for this training are located in the state of Saxony, preferably in Chemnitz, Dresden, Görlitz and Rothenburg/Oberl.

  • Registration

    Please send your application (curriculum vitae in tabular form, copies of your university degree and previous training as a systemic consultant, etc., if applicable, proof of additional consulting/therapeutic qualifications) together with the application form (see above) and exclusively in electronic form to the Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz: weiterbildung(at)

  • Application deadline

    25.01.2019. We recommend registering in good time (limited number of places).

  • Organizational matters & Contact

    Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences
    Education Office
    Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
    02763 Zittau

    Tel: 03583/612 4356
    Fax: 03583/612 54356


Photo: M.A. Robert Viertel
Robert Viertel
Rectorate / Education department
02763 Zittau
Theodor-Körner-Allee 16
Building Z I, Room 2.02.2
2nd upper floor
+49 3583 612-4356
Rectorate / Education department
02826 Görlitz
Brückenstraße 1
Building G II, Room 253
1st floor
+49 3581 374-4356