10. September 2018

Public lecture series on the Federal Participation Act

Lecture series: The Federal Participation Act (BTHG) and its (possible) consequences for the region.

In the 2018/19 winter semester, the Faculty of Social Sciences is organizing the public lecture series "The Federal Participation Act (BTHG) and its (possible) consequences for the region" in cooperation with the TRAWOS Institute. With a view to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the BTHG has been helping to enable full and effective social and cultural participation for people with disabilities since 2017. Individual needs assessment and participation planning for a self-determined lifestyle should be person-centered and cross-agency. In four phases (2017-2020), integration assistance will be separated from social welfare and developed into an independent benefit and participation law (SGB IX). People with disabilities, their self-advocacy groups (associations, clubs, etc.) and families are actively involved in this transition process. Participation advice is provided independently of providers and on the basis of peer counseling (advice for those affected by those affected). Relatives and professionals in the existing education system, in the previous working or living environment are required to provide people with disabilities with comprehensive information about their (human) rights and opportunities for participation and, if necessary, to assist them in exercising them. At present, there is still a great deal of uncertainty among service providers and providers of disability assistance as to how this far-reaching "system change" can be implemented in practice. From January 2019, for example, a new needs assessment procedure will be established throughout Saxony with integrated participation planning (ITP), which still raises many questions. The aim of this lecture series is to give different stakeholders a chance to have their say in order to explore the opportunities and barriers associated with the implementation of the BTHG. Following the lectures, there will be an opportunity to talk to each other.


The venue (lecture building G I Hermann-Heitkamp-Haus (blue building), lecture hall 2) is barrier-free for people with limited mobility.

Target group: People with disabilities and their family members, stakeholders in child and youth welfare and disability services, school staff, students

Time: Thursdays 16:00 - 17:30



Participation is subject to a fee. This covers the fees, travel and accommodation costs of the external speakers. 

We recommend early registration due to limited space in the lecture hall. HSZG students can attend free of charge. Reduced prices apply for people with disabilities (presentation of disability card).


Full price:

Cost per person for participation on all dates: 65 euros / reduced rate 40 euros

Selection price:

Cost per person for participation in a maximum of 5 dates: 45 euros / reduced rate 25 euros

Single booking:

Cost per person for participation in 1 event: 10 euros / reduced rate 6 euros

Further information can be found in the online registration form.


The lecture series takes place from 16:00 to 17:30.

For organizational reasons, please arrive 15 minutes before the start of the event.



Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences


Responsible for content:

Faculty of Social Sciences,

Team of the Curative Education/Inclusion Studies program,

represented by Prof. Dr. Petra Fuchs,

Prof. Dr. Ingolf Prosetzky and Ines Riedel



Event management:

Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer

Robert Viertel



Cooperation with

TRAWOS Institute for Transformation,

Housing and Social Spatial Development




Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences

Faculty of Social Sciences

Furtstraße 2, 02826 Görlitz, teaching building G I



By train and on foot:

It takes about 20 minutes to walk from the train station to the campus. Opposite the main entrance to the station, walk down Berliner Straße, turn right into Hospitalstraße and then walk straight ahead, past Wilhelmsplatz, through Blumenstraße. Cross Dr. Kahlbaum-Allee and walk through the "Park des Friedens" (keep left).


Train and public transportation:

Take the bus line B from the bus stop "Bahnhof Südausgang" to the bus stop "Mühlweg" and walk this to the campus. Public transportation is NOT barrier-free for people with limited mobility!


Car and parking:

A4 - exit "Abfahrt Görlitz" direction city center. Please follow the signs "Hochschule" or "Grenzübergang Stadtbrücke". The Hermann-Heitkamp-Haus (G I) of the Faculty of Social Sciences (blue building) is located directly at the back of the G II building in Brückenstraße. Walk along house G II on the left. After approx. 50 m you will see the Hermann-Heitkamp-Haus (G I) on your right. The parking lot barrier is open from 3:30 p.m. on event days.

Hermann-Heitkamp-Haus (blue building), lecture hall 2


The dates of the lecture series can be found in our calendar of events.

Photo: Prof. Dr. phil. Ingolf Prosetzky
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Prof. Dr. phil.
Ingolf Prosetzky
Faculty of Social Sciences
02826 Görlitz
Furtstrasse 2
Building I, Room 2.07
2nd upper floor
+49 3581 374-4287